Everreach: Project Eden definitely wasn't the most glorious start for this year's gaming -- and to be my 100th perfect game on Steam. Wishlisting and buying a title just because I saw a youtuber make a funny video about it, is probably not the wisest course of action, especially considering that Oboeshoesgames tends to play games of wildly varying quality. At least this one was really cheap, but even so, it is absolutely not worth one's time.
I tend to outright skip a game if it's 3D and made by a single developer. The third dimension adds so much complexity that there's simply no time in the world for just one person to produce anything worthwhile. So many corners would need to be cut. Based on the information I could find, Elder Games appears to be a solo developer. The credits of Everreach however do list a handful of different people. The scale of the game is low regardless: under 10 hours of playtime even when being a completionist.
We have Mass Effect at home
Everreach: Project Eden is a janky-ass third person scifi shooter with the slightest touch of roleplaying elements. The intrigue of the game -- or perhaps the amusement -- comes from how it was obviously inspired by Mass Effect. The details are many. For instance, Everreach uses the same distinct (or similar-looking) Korataki font that is found in Mass Effect.
If you disliked the hacking minigames of the first ME games, Everreach's are even worse. Failing to solve the puzzle type hack in time leaves the container locked permanently too. There is no manual saving so your only option to open it is to restart from a checkpoint -- which are not too copious. I could also swear that the sound effect of hitting an enemy is the exact same one you hear in ME1 when hitting an unshielded target.
The one truly competent feature of Everreach is its music, which is honestly good -- and very reminiscent of ME1 with its vibes, again. One track in the desert area also would have fit perfectly the soundtrack of the first Deus Ex game.Aside from the amusing details, Everreach is not worth talking about. It can't be overstated how low the scale of the game is; it's an extended tech demo compared to any bigger title. Looking for more Mass Effect here will not satisfy anyone.
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