Monday, September 20, 2010

First I Was Slowed Then I Was Immobilized

But at least I wasn't petrified.

Our D&D group returned from summer break to continue breaking out of the Pyramid of Shadows. We faced three encounters, and the last one didn't go so well.

Our party's dragonborn fighter had been lost during the break and he was now replaced by a goliath barbarian. Little did he know what would soon happen to him.

Before ascending to the second floor of the pyramid, we had to fight couple gargoyles and harpies; easy as goblin pie. The next fight wasn't particularly challenging either: a bunch of demons or something.

But then, the third encounter: two ogres and a medusa archer... with petrifying gaze. Prepare for a party killer! In the end, our wizard and the new barbarian were petrified. Others managed to make their (multiple) saves.

Too bad we're in the pyramid with absolutely no access to Remove Affliction ritual. I wait with interest to see how we end up saving them or do we save them at all.

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