Saturday, December 19, 2009

Avatar 3D

I heard about James Cameron's Avatar for the first time last summer. It was mentioned in Empire as one of the upcoming movies, and if I recall correctly, that was pretty much everything it said. But only the title was enough to make me type it in my cell in the list of movies that I should watch.

Later on, I saw the trailer couple times and the film looked quite nice. Then I learned it was coming in 3D. And that is of course the version I saw today. And wow, what a beautiful film it was!

Avatar was my first movie in 3D and I wasn't sure what to expect from such thing but now I can say only positive things about it; I didn't feel nausea or anything, only awe and amazement. 3D adds a whole new dimension to the experience, lol. At one point, I even startled as the feeling of immersion grew so deep that for a slight moment I thought some bouncing stuff was actually going to hit me.

Avatar looked great, damn great, and the soundtrack worked well too. However, the rest of the film wasn't such high quality; the actors were pretty average - bearable, but average. I liked them as na'vis though. And the plot - oh, so unoriginal. And so predictable - one could tell what would happen next and last through it all. Miraculously, though, the film managed to carry through its whole 160 minutes without me noticing the passage of time.

I would like to give Avatar five out of five stars, but the film's plot and actors pull it down to four. Definitely the most beautiful and the most breathtaking movie I have ever seen though. And will, very likely, be so for quite some time. See it in 3D!

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