Friday, October 15, 2010

The Wheel of Time Turns

"And Ages come and pass.
What was, what will be, and what is
May yet fall under the Shadow.
Let the Dragon ride again
on the winds of time."

As the end of The Wheel of Time series is finally starting to be discernible in the horizon, I decided to start reading it again from the beginning. I remember getting to the seventh volume or so (I borrowed them from a library) - the Finnish translations split each book into two to three parts (probably because of their length). Thus it was like the 17th Wheel of Time book I read back then - no wonder the series felt never-ending.

Robert Jordan (James Oliver Rigney, Jr.), the original author, died in 2007, before finishing the s'posedly last volume. Brandon Sanderson was brought to finish it up with the aid of Jordan's notes. However, one pair of covers wasn't even nearly enough to hold the hundreds of pages inside, and it was decided that the last volume would be published in three volumes instead, the last one, A Memory of Light (volume 14), due to early 2012, which is 22 years after the first volume was published.

The first boxed set arrived today and I'm about to jump into the ~2100 pages of adventure they hold inside.

On a side note, I wish I could have all my fantasy books in these neat boxes, especially the WotC novels with awesome cover art.

Further reading:
Wikipedia: The Wheel of Time

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